Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Make America Uneducated Again

For most of my wife’s 30+ years as a teacher, she—like all teachers—has endured comments about being overpaid and getting three months off. GOP lawmakers have made a lot of hay by pandering to this false stereotype.
In the heart of “red” country, schools have reached a crisis point in trying to hire teachers.
Facts: In rural Texas districts, teachers with 13 years of experience earn an average of $34,858.
The Fox News account would probably say this isn’t bad for a nine-month gig in a rural town, where the cost of living is low. On the surface, they'd be right.
While that line of thinking might appeal to some people, new teachers are having none of it. In the 2015-16 school year, 96 rural districts reported no first-year teachers.
Concluding Thought: Desperate schools in Texas are managing the crisis by “live-streaming” a remote teacher into rural classrooms. That’s a bleak future for educating our children. 
On the other hand, some politicians thrive by adding to the nation's ranks of the uneducated.

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