Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Attention Fox News Viewers: Don’t Be Misled by “FAIR”

Fox News is headlining a slick report by a group with an equally slick name, FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform).  The group has published a report concluding that illegal immigration costs Americans $135 billion per year.
The purpose of this post is to publicize FAIR’s unfair (bigoted) views on immigration, dating back to the late 1970s. FAIR was an extreme group until recent events made it fashionable.
The following is a reading from my current course, Immigration, Employment and Public Policy. The source: Imtiaz Hussain, Arizona’s SB 1070, Copycat Bills, and Constitutional Conundrums: Costly Collisions? 6 FIU L.REV. 201 (2011):

“Translating anti-immigration sentiment into legislation has been historically significant. The most significant efforts include the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, and the 1924 Immigration Act, both of which targeted Asians, particularly those of Japanese descent. The present anti-immigration uproar can arguably be traced to President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Immigration Act of 1965, which replaced quotas for a preference-based system, but more pertinently, pitted supporters of “successful Euro-American culture” against the growth of non-white groups. Among the leaders of the reform movement was John Tanton, who founded the Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR) in 1979 and, together with Jared Taylor and Sam Francis, gave birth to the League for European-American Defense, Education and Research (LEADER).
The founders’ attitudes, opinions, and preferences were given teeth by a second generation of FAIR leaders: Kris Kobach, Michael Hethmon, Dan Stein, Rick Oltman, Donald Collins, and Garrett Hardin, among others. Kobach, for instance, was a senior FAIR counsel before being elected as the Kansas Secretary of State in 2010, ... 

Whereas FAIR’s early leaders focused reform efforts primarily against African-Americans, Jews, and Catholics, the new FAIR generation shifted its attention to Hispanics."

Fair to be F.A.I.R.?

Selected Leaders:
How viewed:
Kris Kobach: *Senior FAIR Counsel, but now Kansas Secretary of State *Harvard thesis advisor: Samuel P. Huntington of civilization clash fame *Department of Justice mentor: Attorney General John Ashcroft, 2001-2005 *Author of SB1070 and several other similar ordinances (in Hazelton, PA, for example)
*Taylor: “when blacks are left entirely to their own devices, Western civilization disappears” *Oltman: They are a “retrograde species of humanity”
John Tanton: *Founder of FAIR (in 1979) *Co-founder of LEADER
*Collins: They sold the United States on immigration “in exchange for more temporal power and glory”
Jarred Taylor: *Co-founder of LEADER:
*Tanton’s mentor, John Trevor, Sr. (who co-authored the 1924 Immigration Act): spoke of a “diabolic Jewish control of America”
Sam Francis: * Co-founder of LEADER
*Tanton: U.S. faces a “Latin onslaught”; Latinos known for “defecating and creating garbage and looking for jobs”; they have “low educability” and a “tradition of mordida”
Dan Stein: *Current FAIR president David Collins: *FAIR leader Rick Oltman: *FAIR leader
*Francis: They carry a “political bludgeon against the United States”
Michael Hethman: *General Counsel,IRLI, legal arm of FAIR *Wrote Utah’s SB1070 copycat bill
Third World:
*Hardin: They are “breeders”, “diluting what we and who we are”

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