Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Declining Crafts: My Wife Teaches Cursive; I Teach Spellchecker

I take pride in my students’ hard work, perseverance, and excellence. Like me, they make mistakes. In my grading rubric, I specifically state: “Papers are graded using these criteria: (a) comprehension, (b) accuracy, (c) support for conclusions in footnotes, (d) length (including word count), (e) grammar, and (f) spelling.” I have come to the conclusion that spellcheckers, which were incorporated in 1980s programs such as WordStar and WordPerfect, might be alien concepts to students who were born in the 1990s. So, we will work to improve on this going forward.

It’s interesting how technology that was meant to be quick and easy is, over time, ignored. That would include cursive, a dying craft taught lovingly by my wife, Janet (Third Grade Teacher).

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