Friday, July 8, 2016

Obstacle Course? Getting an Illinois Judge's Statement of Economic Interests

Illinois judges are required every year to file a statement of their economic interests with the Illinois Supreme Court. A citizen who is suing over an environmental matter might want to know, for example, if a judge owns stock in a utility with a coal-burning plant.

I spent two hours today trying to figure out how to get this information. Here is what I learned:

1.       I will need to visit the Illinois Supreme Court in person (or go to a satellite office in Chicago).
2.       I will need to complete a request form, indicating my identity and my reason for seeking the information.
3.       I will need to pay 25 cents per page of any copies.
4.       I will be watched by a clerk of the court as I examine the records.
5.       I can request only one record at a time. Illinois has 907 judges.
6.       My request form will be sent to the judge in question, with my identification and my reason for asking.

Here is an answer to my inquiry from a clerk with the Illinois Supreme Court: “As we discussed, you may view economic statements at the Springfield Supreme Court Building, Clerk’s office, after completing the requisite I-109.1 form(s).  You may request photocopies (either while viewing or before/after); the copy fee is .25/page ($1.00 minimum).  Our office hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.  My lunch hour is from 12:00 noon until 1:00 pm.  In order to expedite your visit, if you will provide me with the name(s) of the judge(s) and the year(s) you wish to view, I can have it (them) ready for your perusal.  We should agree on a date and time since I will need to be here when you view the files."

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