Monday, May 22, 2017

Play Along, Guess the Year: “The Radical Right: A Problem for American Democracy”

Seymour Martin Lipset, a renowned political sociologist, published an influential article, “The Radical Right: A Problem for American Democracy.” Guess the year of this publication. I was off by more than 20 years—maybe you’ll do better.
Why think about it? For me, the answer is that our current politics is about much more than our current president. For the answer, scroll to the far bottom of this post.
Here is a quote:
This essay deals with the emergence and activities of an important American political phenomenon, the radical right. This group, which is characterized as radical because it desires to make far-reaching changes in American institutions, is basically concerned with eliminating from American political life those persons and institutions which threaten either its sense of traditional American values, or economic interests. In general, it is opposed to the social and economic reforms that have been enacted in the last twenty years, ….




The British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 6, No. 2 (June 1955), pp. 176-209.

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