Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Unplug Alexa? Plug for Athena

Image result for amazon monopoly cartoon
At a recent labor law conference, I squirmed in my seat as I listened to the keynote speaker, Ardine Williams. She’s Vice President, Workforce Development, HQ2 at Amazon. Wow, did I hear her right? She said it’s time to repeal the old wage and hour laws of the 1930s. They don’t fit our economy.
She was referring mostly to the federal minimum wage law. The same law prohibits child labor. It also requires overtime at time-and-a-half after 40 hours per week. That law was passed to incentivize employers to give workers a five day work week.
This argument was pressed in behalf of a man who is worth more than $100 billion.
Most of us know Alexa (for the lucky few who don’t, it is Amazon’s household spy, a small cone that overhears your conversations, and micro-targets ads to your social media platforms…. I also believe [sort of] she speaks to agents in Russia and China).
Who is Athena? It’s a grass roots social and political group that is confronting Amazon’s dominance in online retail, ... and fresh groceries, ... and devices that connect your home to the internet, ... and front-door and neighborhood surveillance, ... and professional services like plumbing and contracting, ... and health care, ... and government procurement, ... and internet infrastructure, and Hollywood entertainment, ... and, well, anything that can be managed with algorithms.
On the labor front Athena is backing proposals for $15 an hour as a minimum wage for all workers, including gig workers. An affiliated group— Economic Roundtable— reports that about half of Amazon warehouse workers in Southern California live in substandard housing. And for every $1 in wages, they receive 24 cents in public assistance. In other words, taxpayers are subsidizing Jeff Bezos’s payroll. (I now recall my unresolved angst in sitting through lunch while listening to Amazon’s HQ2 VP wax eloquent about doing better by workers by cutting their safety nets).
In other areas, Athena seeks local laws that give locally-owned companies competitive advantages over monoliths.
Personally, I want to unplug Alexa. My wife won’t go for it. She wins. But I’ll bet we agree on Athena. J

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