Thursday, March 22, 2018

Did Trump Father a “Stormy Child”? If So, He Has Company

Against my wife’s counsel—which is 99% right— I am putting out there my theory that Donald Trump is mysteriously silent about Stormy Daniels because he may have fathered a child with her (she has a 7 year-old daughter). 
Okay, I’m nuts—but this is theoretically possible when people have unprotected vaginal intercourse (and again, she has a young daughter), which has now been verified by a lie detector test. (Bill Clinton was smarter but disgusting in his own way.)
Why would this freak out The Donald? 
For one, this would mess up his family aristocracy. 
Second, he could be exposed to child support litigation that would pry open his tax returns-- especially if California was the jurisdiction. 
That’s the real rub, in my opinion.
But following my wife’s counsel, I now have to declare that I am totally bonkers.
Grover Cleveland was implicated in a violent 1873 sexual assault that resulted in the birth of an illegitimate son. He countered the claim by the mother, Maria Halpin, by having her committed to an insane asylum. Sounds Trumpian to me.
Thomas Jefferson fathered several children with his slave, Sally Hemmings.
Warren Harding did nothing as president, except sign into law a ruinous tariff bill. But he fathered Elizabeth Ann Blaesing, the love-child of a long-running affair.
William Harrison died after just a month in office, the result of pneumonia caught during his inauguration. His strength might have been dissipated by sleeping constantly with his slave, Dilsia. She bore six children with him. He sold four to a Georgia plantation.
Would The Donald do that? You be the judge.

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