Thursday, January 17, 2019

(Avoid Yawning) … Payroll Taxes and Federal Shutdown: How You Pay

We don’t like to pay taxes. We do like to see our tax money spent responsibly.
Most of us are employed. On payday, the federal government withholds taxes. That money is accumulating in the Treasury. It is not appropriated because the Senate and the President want to fund a border wall.
Question: May I stop paying federal taxes while the government is being run in this manner? Of course not. But my point is that we are connected to federal workers when we have part of the income we earned at our workplace withheld by the Treasury.
And what about unemployment benefits for federal workers? These individuals are eligible. This is a state, not federal, system. And here’s the point: Private sector employers are required with each payroll to remit a tax for unemployment. It varies from state to state, but let’s use a 1% of payroll estimate. In other words, private employers are paying unemployment benefits to federal employees who file claims.
This is a perversion of our basic employment laws.

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