Friday, August 18, 2017

Do Republicans Have a Conscience?

Of course, most do. But there are two disturbing legal stories today that call for serious discussion about the soul of the Republican Party.
Arkansas— a red state that is controlled by Republican politicians— reported that its Department of Correction paid $250 in cash to buy enough midazolam for use in two executions. A heavily redacted hand-written receipt shows the material was picked up in person on Aug. 4. Pharmacies refuse to sell execution drugs to states, period. No worries for this heavily evangelical state—they apparently bought it off the street. Just my thought— they gave defense lawyers for Arkansas’s death row plenty of legal ammunition to make an Eighth Amendment “cruel and unusual punishment” argument. And now there's a new argument: Can a state use unlawful means to execute a prisoner? That's a Due Process argument under the 14th Amendment. But nobody asked me. Anyway, Arkansas’s conscience is not getting in the way of killing people like unwanted stray dogs at the shelter.
Run-Over Liberal Protester Laws: Black Lives Matter and other liberals groups have tied up streets, and even interstates, with protests that lack a permit. I’m not defending this—just saying it’s nonviolent civil disobedience. Now, a series of red states have various bills that would exempt drivers who hit protesters from liability (states include Florida, Texas, North Carolina, North Dakota, and Rhode Island (blue state)). Yep, it'll be okay for drivers to hit protesters who don't get out of the way. This is cruel, stupid, unconstitutional, and insulting to responsible Republicans.  
Several months ago, I reported on a Michigan bill that would subject union street protests— incredibly rare events these days, even if you count Fight for 15— to jail terms. Well, at least they won't be killed. Thank you, Michigan GOP.

Republicans in the mold of Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Jeff Flake, John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Jeb Bush, Bob Corker—you get it— would find these developments revolting. But rational Republicans seem to be on the run. 
For these mostly evangelical lawmakers: What would Jesus say to killing people like animals and okaying car drivers to run over other human beings? 

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