Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Most Awesome Two Minutes? Not Totality

This post is especially for friends who missed totality (and are very disappointed). I found totality powerful, emotional, and awesome in the true sense that G-d is partially revealed in the moment.
But since totality is usually a once-in-a-lifetime experience, it makes you think about how short life is in the grand scheme.
My personal totality was watching the birth of my twins, and my last child (the seventh-- and last-chance in-vitro transfer-- after six heartbreaking disappointments). All three were miracles in a statistical sense—but anyone who is part of the birth of her or his child will likely say it’s the greatest moment in one’s life.
I hope I see the next total eclipse in 2024— maybe I won’t.
But I had my totality long before yesterday—and if you think about the most intensely spiritual and awesome two minutes of your life, it’s probably not a total solar eclipse. No special glasses are needed for the most awesome two minutes of our lives.

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