Saturday, June 22, 2019

Comprehensive Immigration In Two Weeks? Yes, It’s Possible!

In 2007-08, and again in 2013, the Gang of Eight (senators) hashed out a thoughtful, comprehensive compromise bill. 
The main leaders were Dick Durbin and Lindsay Graham. They're still senators and they are very powerful in their caucuses.

You are probably familiar with its main contours: Lots of border security, more immigration judges (needed for deportation and ending the warehousing of migrants), and a path to LPR status (Lawful Permanent Resident) or citizenship for qualified unlawful immigrants.

I want to add two brief new points, especially for my HR audience.
First, Congress made a mistake in 1986 by shifting border control from the U.S.-Mexico boundary and putting it on employers. 
We all know this process today as “verification”— and it should continue. 
But in its present form, it is broken.
That takes me to point 2, a controversial idea. Issue a national ID car with biometric data, or something along these lines. 
Yes, it is Orwellian and frightening. It means the government can track you.
But I think we have reached that point. 
Facebook and others track us and exploit our privacy to a damaging extent.
China may already be tracking us in our cell phones. 
Anonymity is hard to come by unless you are a hermit.
There is no magic solution but taking a two-prong approach of assimilating who is here and stopping more migrant flow would seem to be a sustainable path forward.
I welcome critical posts and replies. We can learn by talking and listening to each other.

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