Sunday, September 8, 2019

Court Says It’s OK for a Male Boss (Donald Trump) to Kiss a Female Employee (Campaign Staffer) Without Permission

Alva Johnson (in photo) was an early campaign staff member for Donald Trump.
Ms. Johnson alleges that Mr. Trump forcibly kissed her in a campaign RV in August 2016. There were several witnesses. Johnson sued under a tort for assault. 
Note: Civil assault is defined as any unwanted touching that causes harm, and forcible kissing is an increasingly common way that women are fighting back against men who cross the line with them. Damages can be nominal or higher, based on emotional harm or physical problems, such stress symptoms.
On Friday, this lawsuit ended.
U.S. District Judge William F. Jung closed the case, saying that the pleadings present “a political lawsuit, not a tort and wages lawsuit,” but gave leave for Johnson to refile.
Ms. Johnson said: “I am facing a judge who openly questions whether the kiss is worthy of a federal lawsuit and has determined that Mr. Trump’s history of such behavior is not relevant, and I've endured ongoing threats to my safety. I’ve decided for the sake of my family that I will not continue with the case at this time," Johnson said in a statement. "Let's be clear, I reject the false narrative that they did nothing wrong. But it is difficult to obtain justice against a person with unlimited resources and a judicial system that has so far refused to hold him accountable."
Charles J. Harder is the Neanderthal lawyer who represents Mr. Trump in this matter. 
He said that Ms. Johnson should reimburse their attorney fees and costs, and said they are considering whether to take legal action against her for allegedly violating a nondisclosure agreement she signed when she was hired in 2016.
Let us hope that if Mr. Harder has a wife and daughter, they are spared forcible kissing, nondisclosure agreements that green-light illegal behavior, and men like their husband and father who make a living by re-victimizing women.

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