Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Hitler-MAGA Internet Troll Hit with $14 Million Judgment

As Donald Trump reloads the machine gun of white supremacy, a Montana federal court rendered real justice yesterday in a case of anti-Semitic intimidation. Andrew Anglin was editor of the wildly popular Daily Stormer, a Nazi-American online newspaper. He targeted Tanya Gersh (pictured below with her father recently in court), a Jewish realtor in Whitefish, Montana, after she was falsely accused of running the mother of white supremacist, Richard Spencer, out of town.
I made this case a centerpiece in “Targeting White Supremacy in the Workplace,” (available here, https://www-cdn.law.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/29.1-LeRoy_107-158.pdf). 

Here is sample of the vicious intimidation that Anglin and his MAGA followers directed at Gersh and her family (they threatened to have an armed march in front of her office with the intent of forcing her to leave her work):

“Anglin posted an article calling for readers to “TAKE ACTION” by contacting Gersh and her family, and instructing readers to coordinate their messaging by stating that “you are sickened by their Jew agenda.” The post provided Gersh’s contact information and included pictures of her family with a yellow Star of David, labelled “Jude.” Anglin followed up with another post: “Let’s Hit Em Up. Are y’all ready for an old fashioned Troll Storm? Because AYO – it’s that time, fam.” Typical of the torrent of e-mails, phone calls, voicemails, texts, letters and postcards that bombarded Gersh and her family, one said: “Thanks for demonstrating why your race needs to be collectively ovened (sic). You have no idea what you are doing, six million are only the beginning. We are going to keep track of you for the rest of your life. You will be driven to the brink of suicide . . . .”

Anglin has fled the U.S. 
Yesterday, a federal district court in Montana entered a default judgment for Gersh and awarded damages as follows:

(1) Economic damages in the amount of $220,680 for past lost earnings, medical expenses, and other expenses; (2) Economic damages in the amount of $821,758 for future lost earning capacity; (3) Non-economic damages in the amount of $1,000,000 for past pain and suffering, and; (4) Non-economic damages in the amount of $2,000,000 for future pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life…. 

Having considered the factors set forth in Mont. Code Ann. § 27-1-221(7)(b), including the particularly egregious and reprehensible nature of Anglin’s conduct, the Court finds that a punitive damages award in the amount of $10,000,000 is warranted to punish Anglin and deter him from engaging in such conduct in the future.
Lawyers for Gersh don’t expect to collect a dime. That’s not the point, they said: The point is to stop these monsters from operating in American society.

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