Friday, July 12, 2019

Scabby the Rat Scares Trump the Same Day He Hosts Far-Right Social Media Wretches

President Trump’s NLRB has announced that it plans to prosecute unions for displaying Scabby the 
Rat. Scabby inflates to protest dangerous working conditions, such as asbestos exposure (See Scabby 1, above), or when contractors use nonunion, lower-wage, lower-benefit labor (see Scabby 2, below).

Scabby doesn’t talk, is non-violent, and understands that he cannot ask people to walk off the job. 
Scabby’s main idea is to shame certain employers.
The First Amendment doesn’t always protect Scabby. Earlier this year, the Seventh Circuit appeals court upheld a Wisconsin city law against Scabby because the Rat did not comply with sign ordinances.
Meanwhile, Trump held a summit for conspiracy theory media stars and right-wing trolls.
This all-star lineup included James O’Keefe. In Trumpian style, he selectively edits videos to misrepresent the context of the conversations and the subjects’ responses, creating the false impression that people said or did things they did not (e.g., false Planned Parenthood video). 
He has paid six-figures to settle defamation claims. Here is his mug shot after entering federal property under false pretenses (phone employee to work in Sen. Mary Landrieu’s (Democrat, La.) office).

Feel free to judge who is scarier, Scabby the Rat or the social media vermin at the White House yesterday. 
Meanwhile, it’s been reported that Scabby the Rat’s backup artist, Corporate Fat Cat, is next in line for censorship.

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