Thursday, January 5, 2017

How White Supremacists Think: “Why We Blood Oath,” "Racial Greetings from the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan!," and “I Hate Freedom”

Excerpts from my research on white supremacy groups (for paper titled "White Supremacy in Labor Unions? Racism in Union Representation Elections"):
National Alliance, What Is the National Alliance, White Living Space, available at, stating:
In spiritually healthier times our ancestors took as theirs those parts of the world suited by climate and terrain to our race: in particular, all of Europe and the temperate zones of the Americas, not to mention Australia, New Zealand, and the southern tip of Africa. This was our living area and our breeding area, and it must be so again. After the sickness of “multiculturalism,” which is destroying America, Britain, and every other Aryan nation in which it is being promoted, has been swept away, we must again have a racially clean area of the earth for the further development of our people. We must have White schools, White residential neighborhoods and recreation areas, White workplaces, White farms and countryside. We must have no non-Whites in our living space, and we must have open space around us for expansion.
Washington Summit Publishers, describing The Great Erasure (Richard B. Spencer, ed., 2012), available at
The experience of European peoples worldwide can be said to be distinctly post-Apartheid, post-colonial, and post-national. The White man lives in a world his race once dominated and in which Black and Brown are now colonizers, in which European heritage is being taken away piece by piece: cultural heroes, literature, popular icons, identity ultimately, everything.
Southern Poverty Law Center, Matthew Heimbach, “I Hate Freedom,” Traditionalist Youth Network (July 7, 2013), available in, concluding that:
This is our home and our kith and kin. Borders matter, identity matters, blood matters, libertarians and their capitalism can move to Somalia if they want to live without rules, in the West we must have standards and enforce them. The ‘freedom’ for other races to move freely into white nations is nonexistent. Stay in your own nations, we don’t want you here.
Wotan’s Reich, Why we Blood Oath (Aug. 29, 2015), [SEE PICTURE ABOVE]at, explaining:
Through our blood we carry the integrity of our ancestors. It is up to us to honor this integrity by our actions and deeds...and yes to an extent our words. When we swear an oath upon our blood we are affecting our hamingja, that “Guardian” and “Luck” that gets passed on through the generations of our Folk. What we swear an oath too is equally important, because you can swear to something that isn’t worthy of you.
Loyal White Knights Ku Klux Klan, Racial Greetings from the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan!, at, stating:
Our goal is to help restore America to a White Christian nation, founded on God’s word. This does not mean that we want to see anything bad happen to the darker races ... we simply want to live separate from them ... As GOD intended. (Lev.20:24-25). It is a simple fact that       whenever these races try to integrate themselves into White society, that society is                       damaged immensely ... perhaps even destroyed altogether. Everything that we do as                     Klan members is in furtherance of our ultimate goal.

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