Friday, January 27, 2017

The Music We Don’t Hear

A segment of Donald Trump’s support is deeply involved in White Power Music. Steve Bannon's prominence as a senior adviser suggests that this group is substantial in numbers.
To comprehend the deep connection between eugenic ideology and White Power Music, visit the website for National Socialist Punks (N.S.P.), Racial and Political Ideology, available in

Their “Ideology” webpage (see above) is notable for extolling Hitler, Mussulini and other fascists.

I found two quotes apt for our times—both from Nazi leaders. I have emphasized the connections that seem to relate to the profound change we are witnessing—change that goes beyond reversing Obamacare and overhauling the tax code.
"Revolutions are spiritual acts. They appear first in people, then in politics and the economy. New people form new structures. The transformation we want is first of all spiritual; that will necessarily change the way things are."
-Joseph Goebbels
"The universalists, the idealists, the Utopians all aim too high (now I understand why Michelle Obama’s speech missed the mark). They give promises of an unattainable paradise, and by doing so they deceive mankind. Whatever label they wear, whether they call themselves Christians, Communists, humanitarians, whether they are merely sincere but stupid or wire-pullers and cynics, they are all makers of slaves. I myself have always kept my eye fixed on a paradise which, in the nature of things, lies well within our reach."

-Adolf Hitler

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